Silent burial

Funeral ceremony accompanied by relatives

Your remote participation at the most important moment

Uncomplicated regulations on the Iberian Peninsula allow us to implement dreamlike natural burials with a high degree of freedom. Thus, individual wishes of the bereaved can be realized. From a distance, you can participate in the design of the desired funeral using state-of-the-art media.

Our burial options:
Our funeral retrospectives:

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    Most confidential moment

    In the case of burials at sea, an authorized uniformed person of each ship takes on the task of handing over the urn contents to the sea. At this very moment, we take over this trusting task for you completely. We vouch for the sovereign handling of the funeral without its worthy presence.

    With us, this last farewell will be individually adapted to your special wishes. The last moment before the urn burial remains intimate, personal and very confidential. The urn or its contents are solemnly launched into the water and you can be connected to the deceased by us or not at the most important moment and give the ceremony extensively into our experienced hands.

    Especially in these hectic times, deadline pressure, coordination problems, reluctance to travel, illness and work contribute to the fact that even in such important events can no longer participate.

    This is exactly where we offer you our trustworthy support.

    Digital documentation and video conferencing

    With soft music-accompanied environment, you can let your memories reminisce. On request, this funeral ceremony can be documented with photography or video or even by video conference, so that your those who stayed at home can also participate from afar.

    Our additional services can also be reduced to basic essential features on request. The funeral certificate is mandatory free of charge and includes free photo material anyway.

    — Your caring ebs team

    Funeral speeches and moderation

    Choose freely from our offer, in addition to the musical accompaniment, either a pastoral sermon or a speech personally written by you. Alternatively, a standardized eulogy can be played during the funeral. On special request, the photo or video documentary recording of the funeral ceremony takes place.

    An extraordinary extra is the live connection to the mourners remaining at home via video chat.